A Legacy of Bold and Venturesome Leadership in the Fight Against Cancer

CEO Roundtable on Cancer

President George H. W. Bush and his family were deeply affected by cancer following the tragic loss of their 3-year-old daughter, Robin. This personal experience motivated them to dedicate themselves to finding a cure for cancer. In 1999, President Bush and Mrs. Barbara Bush established the National Dialogue on Cancer, a platform that brought together various leaders to collaborate on eliminating cancer as a major public health issue. This initiative aimed to identify barriers and opportunities in the fight against cancer.

Under President Bush’s leadership, a complementary organization called the CEO Roundtable on Cancer was formed in 2001. Robert A. Ingram and Dr. Martin J. Murphy played key roles in spearheading this organization, which focused on cancer prevention, diagnosis, and treatment. President Bush remained actively involved in the organization, attending meetings and providing feedback on its progress. The CEO Roundtable on Cancer’s first major initiative, the CEO Cancer Gold Standard™, encouraged companies to prioritize health and wellness in the workplace to combat cancer.

In recognition of his dedication to public service and cancer advocacy, President Bush was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom in 2011 by President Barack Obama. This award highlighted President Bush’s unwavering commitment to noble work and leadership. The Chairman of the CEO Roundtable on Cancer praised President Bush for his tireless efforts and acknowledged him as a true American hero. President Bush’s legacy in the fight against cancer continues to inspire individuals and organizations to prioritize cancer prevention and treatment efforts.

Find out more about the CEO Roundtable on Cancer on their website.